Evaluation Platform for Sustainability of Global Systems: MESHSTATS (Demo Version)

Welcome to Evaluation Platform for Sustainability of Global Systems: MESHSTATS

Research Institute for World Grid Squares aims at providing you with an experimental Web application to monitor socioeconomic systems based on data collected from the Internet, government statistics, and satellite imageries. Our mission is to distribute world grid square data (a unique coding system to define grid squares relating latitude and longitude) for integrating statistical information and creating innovative values for decision-makers.

How to use

1. Indicate an icon on the map and click to extract center position.

2. Set a search distance from the center. The initial distance is set as 10 km.

3. If you click [Search world meshcode], then statistics in the selected square will be displayed.

4. You can use Heatmap, Scatter, Bargraph, and Map for data visualization and analysis.